It started in a basement
Craig, our fanatical founding brewer studied the science of brewing at Heriot Watt University and the art of beer making in the student accommodation and flat basements.
After finishing the course with a 1st class degree he went on to do some work in various breweries to gain valuable experience. It was during this time that he decided he wanted to get his own beers to market. He applied for grants, got some scary bank loans and managed to get his folks Chap and Jenni in on the deal.

Cromarty Brewing co was born
In the spring of 2011 construction started on the shed works and some awesome stainless steel was ordered from Bavarian Brewery Technologies. Hectic times and long hours later led to the first of the casks rolling out on the 19th December 2011 – just in time for the festivities.
The family are supported by a small, elite team to produce our great beer.